On TikTok, optimizing the traffic merchandise card is a technical job, and you have to keep an eye on several key indicators. First, the GMV indicator is equal to the number of impressions multiplied by the budget divided by the CPM multiplied by the click-through rate (CTR) multiplied by the conversion rate (CVR) multiplied by the average order value (AOV). This thing sounds complicated, but it is actually quite straightforward, which is the cost-effectiveness of your advertising.

GMV: GMV=Impressions(Budget/CPM1000)CTRCVRAOV

CPM is the cost of a thousand impressions of an ad. This thing may rise during promotional seasons or when there is a high demand for advertising, because everyone is scrambling for ad space, and if you bid low, your ad will be less exposed. This CPM is difficult to control and depends on the market situation, but you can bid high during peak traffic hours to grab a good position.

CTR is the click-through rate. The higher this is, the more attractive your ad is. You can use the video insight tool to see the trend of CTR, and then optimize your ad creatives based on this.

CVR, conversion rate, if this is high, it means that your ad can convince people to buy things. Use the video insights tool to observe the trend of CVR, and then adjust your ad creatives accordingly.

ROAS, is the GMV brought by the ad divided by the advertising cost. The higher this is, the more profitable your ad is. Total Ads GMV, is the GMV brought by the user after watching or clicking your ad within a period of time. This period can be 1 day or 7 days.

AOV, average order value, if this is high, it means that customers are willing to buy more things in your store. You can add some high-value products or offer some discounts to encourage customers to buy more.

So, when you advertise on TikTok, you have to keep an eye on these indicators and optimize your ads based on the data. For example, you can offer high prices during peak traffic hours to increase your advertising competitiveness. You can also increase CTR by optimizing ad creatives, or increase AOV by offering some discounts.

Finally, you have to pay attention to the fact that the ad content must be attractive so that the CTR can go up. You have to use the video insights tool to observe the trend of your CTR and CVR, and then adjust your advertising strategy accordingly. In this way, your ads can achieve the greatest effect on TikTok.

This is easier said than done. You have to keep trying and learning to find the most suitable traffic strategy for your product. But as long as you are willing to work hard, the TikTok platform will definitely bring you good returns.

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