Frequent international travelers
This is a user targeting option based on user “behavior”. Unless the user turns off the location option in the app, Facebook will know the user’s location information and can also identify whether he has traveled internationally.
High-end device users
On their own, users who use high-end devices are not necessarily high-net-worth people, but combined with other targeting options, it will help refine the audience.
The latest Samsung and Apple phones are expensive, and the people who can buy these devices in the first place are generally wealthy, and this information does not rely on users filling out Facebook profiles. The ownership rate of high-end devices also varies from country to country, and this audience targeting option may work well in emerging countries.
Geographic location targeting
There are wealthy and less wealthy areas in every city in the world, and we can target these people by postal code.
Target wealthy users with high-income population options
Use the “household income” demographic targeting option to target the top 5% to 25% of people based on Facebook’s data.
Targeting the rich by interest options
On its own, this may not be the most effective targeting method. For example, a person likes Ferrari, but that doesn’t mean he can afford it. However, when you combine multiple interests with other targeting options, it will help you build a clearer user group. For example: high-end fashion brands, car companies, travel destinations, real estate investment, stock market, yachts, polo, venture capital financing, etc. Targeting interests related to luxury brands can help you find wealthy people who may have a high net worth.
Jump out of the mindset, combine interests, and select “and must also match at least one of the following”, so that the target of the crowd will be clearer and closer to the crowd we need.
People who like high-value goods
This positioning is more suitable for the countries in the list given by Facebook.
Facebook payment users
Although “Facebook Payments” is not available in all countries, it allows you to target users who use Facebook Payments for transactions, which is a targeting option worth trying.
Facebook business page administrators
In the “Behavior” targeting option, we can target various types of Facebook page administrators. It works well when combined with other targeting options. For example, you can combine “Facebook business page administrators” with “People who frequently travel abroad” to build a targeted ad set for high-net-worth business owners.
Engaged Shoppers Consumers who engage in shopping
If you sell higher-priced items online, then you can try adding “Engaged Shoppers” under “Behavior” > “Purchase Behavior”. This way, your ads will be shown to people who are willing to shop online. In addition, retargeting existing online shopping customers can increase the likelihood of repeat purchases.