Meta released an update that will remove the function of excluding audiences through segmented targeting. Existing ads using segmented targeting exclusions can still be delivered, but new ads cannot use the segmented targeting exclusion function. After January 31, all ads using segmented targeting exclusions will not be able to be delivered, which means that advertisers need to find new ways to exclude unwanted audiences. So how do you do that? This article will introduce you to the latest ways to exclude audiences.
First we need to create an audience. Create it in [Advertising Management Tools] – [Audience]

There are three types of audiences: custom audiences, similar audiences, and pre-existing audiences. Usually, the audiences we create are our target groups, but now we need to change our thinking and create the types of audiences we need to exclude. For example, we need to exclude users who have registered and purchased our products. I hope to deliver my ads more to new users rather than existing users, so I can create a custom audience.

After creating the audience, let’s create an ad. In the audience settings, click to switch to the original audience option.

Click Add Exclusion

You can select the audience we just created to exclude

The above is one way we set up exclusion audiences. You can flexibly adjust and use it according to your needs. Meta’s move restricts users from adjusting the audience. In fact, Meta has been encouraging users to use broad audiences for delivery. Internal tests show that compared with using segmented targeting exclusions, not using segmented targeting exclusions reduces the median cost of a single conversion by 22.6%, which also shows that audience refinement does not necessarily improve advertising results.
We have mentioned similar views in previous articles. Many users cannot consume and ads cannot run. One of the reasons is that there are too many audience restrictions. After the iOS 14 update, Meta’s data tracking accuracy for Apple users began to be greatly reduced. Therefore, compared with the previous precision delivery, Facebook ads are now more suitable for delivery with a broad audience.